Another side of Maramures, in North Romania

Maramures is a region in North Romania. It is an area full of culture, tradition and simple living, especially when it comes to countryside. In the cities, people forget about the simple things in life and also about the connection with your nation.

Botiza Village

Botiza Village

When it comes to the landscape, it is absolutely breath taking. Maramures is very popular for their wood doors that they have when you enter into their house, garden, church and basicly...everywhere. There are few monasteries that are old and beautiful. The churches have also a very particular design, as you can see in the picture below. The area is more advertised than other places in Romania, especially because of the Holly Cimetery and Barsana Monastery, but it still keeps its essence when you get a little bit away from the commerical areas.


One of the highlights of Maramures is that you can take the steam train on Vaser Valley. The experience is amazing and you can see the beautiful forest and villages around. The ride is not very long, but it departs around 9am and you will be back by 15:00, with a break included. The railway was built in 1932, and with all the steam and the train’s sound you will get in a very oldie but goldie story.


During few visits in Maramures, I could say I discovered so many interesting places and also different people, people that do care about real things, not only the contemporary ‘problems’ that we deal with everyday in our busy lives. The people I met were very open, even though one time I have been there, few were more photographers together and all of the big cameras were on them. Every time they wanted to give us something to taste from the little amount of food or drinks they had. I met people that did not know about the big supermarket chains or the political problems at that moment. They were and happy.

We have found some ladies staying all together wringing the wool, and then few villages away another one was doing the same. The men were working around the house to make sure everything is safe and warm, especially the animals.

                                Picture posted by National Geographic in Daily Dozen

                                Picture posted by National Geographic in Daily Dozen

In the weekend, we’ve attended a wedding and we also went on Sunday morning at the church. There were people wearing traditional clother, no matter how old they were. There were some girls that I have the image in my head with and I will never forget how natural they were feeling wearing them..and PROUD! I consider this habit a very special one, as most of the children and teenagers do not value these things.

Seeing these kind of people, with such a good will inside and a pleasure to live a life that is so simple, made me appreciate more the traditions and the habits that our anchestors had.


Horseback-riding Center Virgil Barbuceanu in Piatra Neamt


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