10 things to bring to Iceland

Most of the destinations in Europe are not so unpredictable as Iceland could turn, so if you travel to Iceland for the first time, you should have some things in mind .. or in your suitcase!

Top things to pack when you come to Iceland

  1. Camera - you will need it every minute. It does not matter if it is day or night, you need it!

  2. Hiking shoes - if you plan to have a trip out of the capital, then you need to have hiking shoes and they need to be waterproof because you never know when it will start to rain.
  3. Waterproof, windproof, basicly Iceland-proof jacket. The weather is changing every minute and you need to be prepared for everything! And by everything I mean snow, rain, sun, wind, all of them together. With all these together, you should not forget about your swim suit, a geothermal pool is the only place where you forget about bad weather and cloudy sky.

  4. Medicine - you will not be able to find so much medicine, and if you do find, you will not be able to get everything without a prescription, so come fully packed. The price tag is also important because here, everything is expensive.

  5. Sunglases and sun lotion - one thing that you are probably not aware, Icelandic sun is very, very strong. You can easily get burnt if you do not pay attention to this topic and it can affect your condition also. 
  6. Clothes layers - no matter what season are you travelling to Iceland, you will need a lot of layers. It is very common to be rainy and it will be easier for you to have more layers, than to have everything wet.
  7. Hat, gloves, socks - you need to be protected and even if it is not so cold, because of the wind you will feel the temperature few times lower. You can buy them in Reykjavik as they are very popular both for tourists and locals.
  8. Ice cleats - for winter time, it is good to bring them with you. Only the streets in dowtown Reykjavik are heated, not all of them. Icy roads are something normal during the winter and a lot of people have trouble with this.
  9. Hyrdrating cream - because of the water, wind or powerful sun you will need a lot of hydratation. Your lips can get pretty dry and your face is very exposed especially in the wind and blinding sun as you take advantage of the whole day out.
  10. Bring a journal! 

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Why Iceland